Saturday, March 10, 2007

What Would Jesus Do at the Upper Room Mission?

In 2006, the Mission responded to the request of the community for a “Drop In Center”. We now function as such, and have increased our Ministry staff to include an Assistant Manager and two Outreach Workers. We serve three meals a day and are open 7 days a week 7:30 am – 5:00 pm. We are establishing day programs, including literacy, life skills, Bible Studies, etc. Many new volunteers have come forward to help since November when we extended our hours. Now, with the recent influx of drug users and dealers, there is some pressure to cut back our services. We are working on proactive initiatives to eliminate the drug use at the Mission, and in the meantime, need people who can give an hour or more on a regular basis to walk the property, pray, and alert the staff of loitering. We are open to ideas and suggestions as to how to best serve the hurting and broken in our society, while maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all. Your contribution will mean lives being influenced for eternity. You can reach Andrew Yeo, Manager, at 549-1231 or email him at to volunteer at the Mission, or to contribute your ideas.

Manager's Notes:

"Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." John 15:20

We at the Mission stand united and undeterred.
Our Board, Staff and Volunteers, in the face of criticism and any roadblocks the enemy would throw in our path; soldier on armed with the Holy Spirit. The vision of Life Change for our guests, for the lost, hurting and needy in our community, remains the same. We recognize and understand that the problem of drugs in Vernon, is just that -a community and societal problem and not a 'Mission problem' alone.
Our hope is to continue to work with the RCMP and others who would seek a solution to this truly 'epidemic' societal problem.
Our Mission is to do the Lord's work, feeding the hungry, giving shelter and counsel to the hurting, providing hope for the hopeless.

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