Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Upper Room Mission Graduates!!

I am excited for the first group of basic computer training students to have completed the 10 week program here at the Upper Room Mission. The intention of this program is to help bridge the technological gap between the homeless and the rest of the community. It was incredible to see the progress of the individuals; from not being able to double- click to e-mailing, typing, Facebook, and creating a newsletter for their fellow Mission guests. Great effort group!
The individuals from the first Basic Computer Training graduated on April 6th 2009 and took home with them a full computer set-up donated by the Okanagan College and Sprott-Shaw Collage, both in Vernon B.C. Thank you for your generosity. The Computers are set up and functioning in each of the graduates homes. They are enthusiastic to come into the Mission and share with us us all of the new things they are learning about their computer, access to the Internet, music and picture sharing. They have all expressed so much appreciation for this new opportunity, however they have really been the ones to do all the work.

Our second ten week Basic Computer Program has begun on April 27th 2009, and we look forward to more to come. For more information about the computer program or to donate a computer in good working condition please contact Nicole or Karyl at the Upper Room Mission #250-549-1231

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pianting Pictures

We revamped the place with a fresh new coat of paint. People were surprised with the new look on Sunday, Feb 22nd when they walked into a bright new dinning area. We went with a collection of earthy colors: twilight blue, fern green and deep chestnut brown. We were going for cool and calming; one guest told us we gave a whole new depth to the place. The staff at the URM could never have completed the work without the help from volunteers. A special thank-you goes out to the volunteers from The East Hill Community Church, the Alliance Youth Group, family, friends, and guests of the Upper Room Mission and everyone else who helped with prep and painting on the 20th and 21st. Check out more of the pictures on the website photo album!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dumping and Donations at the Mission

For those who do not know, The Upper Room Mission is a non profit Christian based organization that provides a day shelter, meals and services to the homeless and working poor. We are funded through our thrift store, grants and individual donations. Gracious community donations to the Upper Room Mission store helps generate sustainable funding for the day shelter and soup kitchen to operate. We are so thankful for the communities support!

There has been however, on more than a few occasions people misusing our drop off friendly parking lot by dumping over used and destroyed items after hours. It creates a terrible mess in front of the building and wastes The Upper Room Mission time and money to dispose of the items properly. We hope the installation of our new surveillance system inside and around our building will deter people from dumping.

We are very thankful to all of those people in the community who graciously donate new and gently used items to the Upper Room Mission store. We encourage the community to keep the support comming, Thank you!

You can drop off donations:

*Monday thru Friday from 9:00am till 4:00pm at the store

*Sat 10:00am till 3:00pm at the store

*After hour clothing donations can be put in our clothing chute

*Items too large for chute should not be left outside for they are generally stolen or destroyed

*Sunday donations can be given to Upper Room Mission Day Shelter staff (far left door)

Our doors are open because of the kindness of our
community, Thank you.

New Manager News!

We are very excited to greet our new Upper Room Mission manager Chuck Harper who is expected to arrive on March 1st! We wish you and your family a safe move from Manitoba and a very warm welcome to Vernon. See you soon!