Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Random Thoughts

Caught an interesting special on TV the other night:

The Plot: If you could get one person off the street, would you? Could you? Devil Plays Hardball is a radical interventionist documentary by Paperny Films that seeks to answer this question. Four well-established Vancouver residents have 10-months to mentor homeless individuals from various Vancouver neighborhoods who have the desire – but not necessarily the means – to re-enter mainstream society. What ensues is a complicated journey that provides an up-close and intimate look at the people most of choose to ignore – Canada's homeless.

It's a beautiful and sunny 8 degrees here in Vernon today... Beautiful Country indeed.

We've been looking for a weekend (Fri-Sun) cook and Assistant Manager/Chaplain for a number of weeks, if you could please pray that God will bring us the right candidates -that would be so appreciated! If you are the right candidate, please contact us! 250-549-1231 or

Congratulations to all our friends who are expecting... It is a joy that cannot be put into words!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Letter from a Friend...

Feb 17, 2008


Hello to the good people of Vernon, how are you all doing? Do you miss me yet? Did Andrew show all my old 'friends' the video of my baptism? I understand from Lois and Olgie that Kevin McNeil and Carl wish to join me here... smart move as you are well aware! From the mouth of Grizzly "with Jesus on your side, anything is possible!"

On other news, just so you know, Sundays we go to the Market Garden Church just blocks from you folks, I always want to stop in, or stop and see all my old friends figuring if they saw me dressed in a suit, hanging with 20 other 'bible boys' they would surely throw out their crack pipes -after all if Grizzly can do it, so could they if they want to!

Anyways, God Bless you all, keep showing my video and this letter (more to come) to the old gang. I want to help those I once helped destroy!

God Bless, Darin Eggen